Text edit

  • Text edit supports extended text editing in any application and uses clipboard extensively. Available text edit operations can be divided into 9 categories: string, line, column, edit, alignment, selection, caret, utility and statistics.
  • Text edit makes possible to extend every editor with additional editing options.



  • save in wordlist
  • to uppercase
  • to lowercase
  • toggle capitalizing first letter automatically
  • insert random string with numbers
  • insert random string without numbers
  • reverse string
  • wrap string
  • remove all line breaks


  • go to …
  • sort lines
  • reverse lines
  • remove duplicated lines
  • remove lines containing string
  • wrap lines with string
  • add line number


  • insert text at column x
  • cut columns
  • copy columns
  • replace columns


  • delete current line
  • delete current line and highlight next line
  • move down
  • move up
  • duplicate up
  • duplicate down
  • duplicate right


  • align left
  • align center
  • align right
  • left align columns
  • center align columns
  • right align columns


  • highlight next word
  • highlight current line
  • select enclosing element by () or {}
  • quick outline based on {}
  • contextual outline based on {}
  • select next enclosing element between < and >
  • select next enclosing element between ( and )
  • select next enclosing element between [ and ]


  • move caret to last sentence
  • move caret to next sentence
  • move caret to next line break
  • move caret to last line break
  • move caret to last ( or {
  • move caret to next ( or {
  • move caret to last empty line
  • move caret to next empty line


  • find
  • replace
  • replace (case sensitive)
  • replace occurrences of a pattern
  • launches Google Search in browser
  • run
  • calculate
  • insert calculated result
  • add timestamp
  • add date


  • string length
  • count words
  • count lines
  • word frequency (^ frequency)
  • word frequency (^ alphabet)